Monday, September 29, 2008

Democratic party's response

10 days into the Lehman Brother's scandal...what is the democratic party's response?

Today, the Democratic Party organised a discussion with around 600 investors and suggested three tactics to cope with the situation.

Tactic 1: Litigation.

Hon. Albert Ho Chun-yan said they will begin their actions by filing a complaint to the Consumer Council on the harmful selling methods of the banks. "Elderly, retired people; Those who originally put their money in time deposits but were persuaded to invest in the minibonds; and those who were persuaded to buy the minibonds after the problems were discovered, that is around August. We will provide assistance to these people first."

Tactic 2: Pressurise the Banks.

The Party suggested that the affected people can be divided into different groups, according to the banks that they have bought the minibonds. Kam Nai-wai claimed around 1700 people sought for help from the Democratic Party with the largest proportion of them as investors of the Bank of China.

Tactic 3: Reorganise the whole incident.

Laurence L.J. Lee (Barrister) claimed that the investors should recall how they were being persuaded to purchase the minibonds.

Questions to consider:

1. Who persuaded you?

2. Did any other staff from the bank approach you?

3. Did they talk to you when you renewed your time deposit or did they call you to persude you?

To all the affected people: do consider these methods...maybe they might help you get your hard-earned money back!

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