Sunday, September 21, 2008

Investors Profile

Mr Choi

Total amount of Investments:
HK$1.52 million

Invested in:
Mini-Bonds offered by Bank of China, Sun Hung Kai Finance and Lehman Brothers

What he said:
The advisors at my bank MISLEAD me! I never knew that the underwriter of bonds was Lehman Brothers! I used to put all my money in time deposits. They called me to promote this product and told me clearly that this is LOW RISK! They never told us that the products were sold by Lehman Brothers! I only knew when they called me a few days ago and informed me that my deposits may be TOTAL LOSS!

Mr Ho said:
Many investors are middle-aged or retired. The staff at the banks so me that the investment is very safe and even better than time deposits. That's why I invested in it! I've never heard what is Lehman Brothers and I didn't know that if the underwriter goes into bankrupt, my investments would be all GONE!

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