Saturday, October 4, 2008

Legislative Council members stand out to help victims

This morning, Legislative Council Member, Hon Leung Kwok-hung accompanied investors to the Bank of China headquarters in Central to demand for a meeting with the bank after they refused to talk to its investors concerning their minibond investments.

The majority of minibond investors are clients of Bank of China but they have never take any action to talk to their investors.

Investors gathered at Charter Garden and have invited Mr Leung to accompany them during their demonstration.

In the eyes of the public, Mr Leung always helps the underprivileged to fight for rights and benefits. Can his voice be heard by BOC executives this time?

At a press conference yesterday, Audrey Eu Yuet-mee, SC, JP, claimed that the Civic Party has contacted Bank of China several times but have failed to arrange any meetings with them.
Soon after the press conference, the Party announced that BOC has promised that they will arrange meetings with the investors next week.
Will the meetings bring a ray of light into the life of the miserable and angry investors?

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